Baowu Steel Expo Centre refurnish steel culture

Date:2020/8/19 Source: CISDI

The sprawling site of a former steelworks in Shanghai is to be transformed into an urban space which places its industrial heritage centre-stage.

Baowu Group’s Shanghai stainless steel plant will become a shining example of an industrial to urban development.

It will feature housing, parkland and an international steel conference and exposition centre which will attract steel companies from around the world.

CISDI and Shanghai Baoye Group will partner up for the project, which lies in the 20km2 Wusong Innovation City site at Baoshan.

With a wide understanding of the steel sector and 62 years of engineering experience, CISDI will be involved in the full-process design, from proposal and construction drawings to technical services.

The largest buildings at the steelworks will be redeveloped to ensure knowledge of the region’s industrial heritage is preserved for future generations.

A conference centre covering 42,000 square metres will be built on the 3.78 hectare site of an old blast furnace and will become a showcase of China and Baowu’s skills and specialisms.

Wusong will also renovate 47,000 square metres of the old steel plant into a park and landscaped urban area with housing. 


Artist’s impression of the Baowu Steel Expo Centre, which is to be created from an old steelworks