Success at Shagang - BOF2 is rebuilt and rebooted within 15 days

Date:2021/10/29 Source: CISDI

Productivity at Shagang’s BOF2 has been increased following the successful implementation of a new electric, instrumentation and computer system, designed and supplied by CISDI.

The system, sited at a remote control station, operates BOF2’s tilting, oxygen lance, evaporation, charging and feeding system.

Its rebuild required a very tight 15-day schedule and complex technical service tasks.

The EIC system re-engineering was challenging due to the limited availability of adequate input data.

CISDI’s team conducted site surveys, communicating fully with Shagang throughout, which resulted in pertinent solutions and accurate drawings. The team also ensured equipment manufacturing was ordered and delivered on time.

The team completed EIC commissioning for the BOF’s tilting system within six days of shutdown, an important milestone before bricking, and all other EIC commissionings were carried out within eight days of that milestone, giving the team additional time to prepare for restart.

On the same day as the last commissioning task, the furnace restarted melting and met its pre-rebuild production capacity. It is now onstream and achieving a higher output, creating numerous benefits for Shagang.


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Shagang BOF2 has restarted production after its EIC rebuild