R&D: New application of CISDI’s online strand quality evaluation system

Date:2021/12/20 Source: CISDI

Xianfu Steel in the Yunnan Province’s Yuxi City, has placed an order for CISDI’s online strand quality evaluation system.

Strand’s quality real-time forecast is a hot research and development topic globally, and presents an important indicator for a continuous caster’s equipment level.

CISDI’s CQE system combines quality control and forecasting based on long-term studies of secondary cooling dynamic distribution and soft reduction models. Predictive algorithms are introduced for working out the evaluation system.

The CQE system functions:

        acquires caster’s control data and operator’s operation data

        makes real-time forecasts on strand quality based on forecasting model

        enables timely detection of problems, removing quality defects or regulating process parameters

        optimises continuous casting production process

        enhances product pass rate

        helps to reduce carbon from the casting procedure


说明: D:\Users\001909\Desktop\CQE截屏\主页.png 说明: D:\Users\001909\Desktop\CQE截屏\查询1.png

Screenshots from CISDI’s CQE system HMI