S&T: CISDI’s 5G+AI based steel interfacing management system features in world’s Top 10 tech list

Date:2022/3/17 Source: CISDI

CISDI has been named in a Top Ten of technology advancements for global steel production in 2021.

The company's 5G and AI tech-based steel interfacing management system features in the global hot-list created by World Metals, a China Iron and Steel Association publication.

The entry described how the system has achieved the first and largest operation of an Information High-speed Railway at Baosteel WISCO.

“It has upgraded intelligent systems for WISCO’s five blast furnaces, four meltshops, 20 hot metal transport locomotives, 67 torpedo ladle cars, 100 open-top ladles and 12 level crossings, and has built an intelligent control system for the plant’s 400-plus rail lines,” stated the report,

“Intelligent transformation brings about marked optimisation - a 20 per cent reduction in manpower, a 10 per cent increase in hot metal transport efficiency and a 10 deg C decrease in hot metal temperature drop at the hot metal and liquid steel interface.

“A direct economic benefit from more efficient transportation is estimated to be around US$ 6.30 million.”

The system applies the CISDI-developed PanGoLIP smart industrial logistics platform, which is based on full-process intelligent tracking and status management.

This intelligent scheduling system for interfacing was built by deeply synergising intelligent models and algorithms and the hot metal transport process.

It works like an AI brain - performing core automatic functions in hot metal distribution, path planning, microcomputer interlocking control, crossing opening and closing, and performance result generation.

Taking advantage of the 5G network’s large band width, short time delays and wide connectivity, it breaks ground in high-quality data transmission at mobile and edge ends in complicated industrial conditions.

Five applied settings have now been implemented at WISCO’s hot metal and liquid steel interface management - for real-time positioning and tracking, equipment online monitoring, transport control, edge computing data return and railway crossing safety control.

The system will enable autonomous/unmanned hot metal transportation between the ironmaking and steelmaking plants, which will further enhance the plant’s productivity and safety and achieve cost savings.

A breakthrough in encoding and decoding technology, CISDI-developed industrial fault tolerance visual identification tech combines QR code-based identification with deep learning. Accurate identification is achieved even in complicated, unfavourable conditions such as bad weather or poor light.


The intelligent control centre for WISCO’s hot metal and liquid steel interfacing management, built by CISDI