Chongqing Steel’s BOF2 now super-efficient

Date:2022/6/6 Source: CISDI

Chongqing Steel’s Steelmaking Plant 1 now has a more efficient blast oxygen furnace capable, boosting liquid steel production by an additional 1.5 million tonnes a year, thanks to a successful rebuild by CISDI.

The BOF2’s online rebuild was carried out with no interruptions to BOF1 and 3 production.

Steelmaking plant 1 has three BOFs each with a 210-tonne capacity, three CAS systems, two ladle furnaces and one RH vacuum degassing unit at the Steelmaking Plant 1. 

BOF2’s rebuild remarkably enhances the plant’s annual production of liquid steel from 6.70 million tonnes to 8.20 million tonnes.

Three of the furnace’s dust collection systems have been also upgraded, creating a much cleaner environment.

The existing utilities and CAS systems have been given integration upgrades. This lays a solid foundation for full-scale modernisation of the entire Chongqing steel plant in the future, creating intelligent production with reduced-manpower, standard and regulated operations.

The online rebuild was carried out to a tight schedule amidst unfavourable construction and environmental conditions.

CISDI’s team refined their designs, procurement and construction to facilitate a smoother, more scientific installation and commissioning.


Chongqing Steel’s BOF2 is operating with a higher efficiency