S&T: CISDI’s ultra-fast BIM revamp at Baosteel’s blast furnace 2 wins gold

Date:2022/10/17 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s full-process building information modelling design has won gold for its key role in the fast revamp of Baosteel’s blast furnace 2 in Shanghai. 

The Longtu Cup 2022 prize was awarded by the China Graphics Society. It is the most influential contest of its kind in China. 

CISDI’s digital solution beat 2,507 entries.

An amalgamation of CISDI’s digital blast furnace technologies, Baosteel’s blast furnace 2 was its first focal application. 

The furnace’s revamp required total design, construction and ops management solutions.

CISDI’s digital expertise in rebuild processes successfully created a full life-cycle digital blast furnace.

“We are impressed with CISDI’s green, eco-friendly, intelligent and efficient concepts applied to blast furnace 2’s design”, commended Baosteel. 


A screen shot from CISDI’s BIM application at Baosteel blast furnace 2’s fast revamp