CISDI’s WESP turns Xichang Steel-Vanadium BOF greener

Date:2022/10/17 Source: CISDI

The rebuild of a BOF’s primary dedusting system has resulted in ultra-low emissions at Xichang Steel-Vanadium Co in China’s Sichuan Province. 

The rebuild was carried out by CISDI and included the addition of two CISDI wet electrostatic precipitators (WESPs) downstream of the BOF’s existing dry ESP. 

The WESPs are performing with stable parameters and there has been a marked increase in dust removal in the combined dry and wet dedusting system. Fume’s particulate matter concentration has reached the ULE target of 10mg/m3 or less.

In addition, the LDG (BOF gas) has been improved in quality, solving a previous problem of dusty gas blocking the gas boosting fan, which necessitated frequent repairs.

CISDI’s WESP has become a sought-after product for ULE-targeted BOF primary fume cleaning, thanks to its advancements in safety, reliability and efficiency. 





The WESPs are star cleaners for the BOF at Xichang Steel-Vanadium Co.