CISDI Electric expands reach of its CE150 AC-AC frequency conversion control system

Date:2023/1/17 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s groundbreaking CE150 AC-AC frequency conversion control system is now in operation at Shaanxi Tiancheng Aerospace’s heavy bloom breakdown mill.

TCAE is based in China’s Shaanxi Province. The CE150 is powering the main drive of its 1,350mm mill.

In its first application, the device supported a digital transformation of the 80MVA impulse unit’s super-synchronous speed regulation system at the Southwestern Institute of Physics, part of China’s National Nuclear Corporation.

It achieved AC-AC frequency conversion control of the double-feeding asynchronous motor. Its ultra-reliability and convenient human-machine interface was highly commended by the CNCC’s Southwestern Institute.

The team began their research and development for the AC-AC frequency conversion control system in 2008.

The CE150 is based on a high-speed, real-time Ethernet architecture, which supports multi-time scale, multi-tasking and multi-protocol real-time operating systems.

The OS’s minimum control cycle-time is controlled to within 80 microseconds. Its innovative synchronous control method features a variable-cycle-time regulation system. It enables integrated control of the 3-phase current ring.

TCAE’s main drive applies a salient pole synchronous motor which is designed with a rated power of 5,500 kilowatts, a rated rotary speed of 45 rpm and a maximum of 90 rpm, and a rated current of 2,004A. Its power supply unit, the AC-AC frequency conversion unit, has a capacity of 13MVA.

Since hot commissioning of the transformative CE150 system, a number of specifications have been successfully produced. The main drive showed an output current 2.5 times its rated value when producing titanium-alloy spindles.

The CE150 has outperformed similar imported products in terms of function, technical indicators and stability - a breakthrough in self-sufficiency for the Chinese steel sector.

The application at TCAE was the first for a rolling mill’s main drive. A stringently high standard of performance and reliability was required.



The CE150 AC-AC frequency conversion control system, a star CISDI Electric invention