Important task completed for Longmen Steel’s new 110kV rolling substation

Date:2023/9/19 Source: CISDI

A new 110kV rolling substation at Longmen Steel in China’s Shaanxi Province has taken a major step forward - construction of the top structure has been completed on schedule.

The substation will facilitate a more reliable quality of power supply and improve the balancing of power loads to meet supply demand. It will also play a leading role in Longmen’s future plans for expansion and environmentally-friendly rebuilds and upgrades.

The substation’s task is to decrease the load rate on substations at Longmen Steel and Yulong Steel, thus easing supply pressure.

Additional loads can source an available switch-in point with a shorter radius at the new substation.

CISDI built the substation to an EPC mode, including one building for production and an additional building for welfare of the plant’s employees.

Its team spent 72 days completing the last top closing construction procedure at the two buildings. Their optimised designs and careful project coordination ensured the milestone was met on schedule and to quality, setting a solid foundation for the subsequent finish, installation of equipment, commissioning and operation.



CISDI’s team is pictured in front of the top-closed substation buildings at Longmen Steel