CISDigital Ironmaking

Date:2024/6/24 Source: CISDI


CISDigital Ironmaking’s intelligent manufacturing support consists of: 

Part 1: An integrated control centre, which contains automation equipment for power supply, remote control and communication networks. 

Part 2: Software applications, which are package-supplied to support ironmaking operations, lean production management and strategic decision-making.


Key tech:

- Automation equipment

- Material tracking 

- Upstream-BF operational support

- Upstream-BF management

- Ore proportioning and blending 

(based on market price, ore quality, sintering and ironmaking operations)



- Sintering

- Coking

- Ironmaking



- More stable operation 

- Reduced fuel ratio

- Operational expenditure savings

- Enhanced workforce productivity.


The CISDigital integrated control centre


A screenshot of CISDigital Ironmaking