CISDI to design a pre-grinding line upgrade for Wugang Resources’s Ezhou Pellet

Date:2024/6/24 Source: CISDI

CISDI is to design an upgraded ore pre-grinding line for a plant in China’s Hubei Province. 

Ezhou Pellet, which operates under Baowu’s Wugang Resources, wants to transform its existing iron concentrate pre-grinding and processing line with smart processes.

Technological upgrades will enable the line to produce two million tonnes a year, an increase of 500,000 tonnes on current output.

CISDI will also be helping the plant to prepare for future expansion. It will be designing reserve spaces so that Ezhou Pellet has space to develop as it pursues its long-term goal of increasing production to four million tonnes a year. 



Artist’s impression of the upgraded Ezhou Pellet site