MCC-SFRE’s single-stand 6-hi cold mill is sought-after in east China

Date:2024/7/31 Source: CISDI

A revolutionary single-stand 6-hi cold mill is proving popular with steel producers in east China’s Shandong Province.

MCC SFRE, which operates under CISDI, recently delivered its sixth - a 1,150mm specification mill for Haixin Steel - to the province.

SFRE’s single-stand 6-hi reversing cold mill is a breakthrough product which outclasses China’s original 6-hi mill.

It can achieve extreme specification rolling, reducing 3.0mm-thick feedstock to a final product with a 0.1mm-thickness in a single pass.

Haixin’s mill has now been hot-commissioned.

Other such mills have been operating at Tongli Plates, Jinfutai Steel and Kerui Logistics since 2021.

Another eight are currently being manufactured or are under construction at Shandong’s Runfu and its Tangsheng New Materials Co.

SFRE is manufacturing a second mill for Haixin.

Haixin’s two mills order required a very tight schedule. The first mill had hit all milestones thanks to SFRE’s meticulous planning and precision throughout design, manufacture, delivery, installation and commissioning.

MCC SFRE’s mill was officially recognised as a champion product by China’s manufacturing sector in 2023 and has created tangible economic returns for China’s Baosteel Huangshi and New Tianjin Steel, and JML in Bangladesh.


The SFRE-supplied single-stand 6-hi cold mill operating at Shandong Haixin Steel



The first coil discharged from Haixin’s 1,150mm-spec single-stand 6-hi cold mill


SFRE’s Haixin mill team set the record for the fastest start-up