CISDI’s largest overseas stockyard project is now operating in Vietnam

Date:2024/9/29 Source: CISDI

The biggest smart green stockyard CISDI has ever been involved in outside China is now operating successfully at the HPG Dung Quất plant in Vietnam.

CISDI carried out the stockyard’s design, equipment supply and technical service for installation and commissioning.

Dung Quat operates under Hoa Phat Group and the stockyard is an indispensable part of step 1 in the plant’s phase II 10Mtpy programme.

CISDI’s ECIA model C expertise has been applied to achieve reliability, energy conservation, environmental protection and smart production.

With a total length of 24 kilometres, it is the largest of its kind CISDI has created abroad.

It consists of facilities for receiving, ores, coal, flux, blending, supplying and auxiliary functions and for dust collection, electric, instrumentation and computer (EIC) system and intelligent tech applications.

To strengthen the project’s equipment standards, an overpass scraper reclaimer and light-weight triangular head frame - star CISDI developments - have been proposed.

An annual receiving capacity of around 17.25 million tonnes is progressively being reached, accommodating ironmaking production demands of around 5Mtpy.

“As a Vietnamese customer, we are very appreciative of the high standards of workmanship and skills CISDI’s team has brought to our stockyard activities,” commented a Dung Quất head.

CISDI has spread its stockyard footprint considerably since creating its first in 2015 for Formosa Ha Tinh Steel’s 10Mtpy steel complex in Vietnam.

It built a stockyard for phase 1 of Malaysia’s 3Mtpy steel complex ASSB Kuantan in 2017 and one is currently under construction at ASSB phase II, another 3Mtpy plant.


The stockyard at HPG Dung Quất phase II, built as part of joint efforts to build a world-class greener, smarter Vietnamese steel giant


The stacking machine for Dung Quất phase II’s stockyard


CISDI’s team, pictured at the ceremony celebrating when Dung Quất phase II’s stockyard went into operation