Stoves of ASSB blast furnace 1 heating up

Date:2018/3/6 Source: CISDI

The stoves at ASSB’s blast furnace 1 were successfully heated up on February 8, a significant step towards successful blow-in.

Designed and package-supplied by CISDI, the stoves feature CISDI’s top-combustion hot stove patented technology, which is designed to give greater energy efficiencies and a longer service life.

Each stove is 38 metres high, and is blasting to the designed temperature of 1,200 hot air and able to heat up a maximum of 2,900Nm3/min air.

The stoves heated up on schedule thanks to CISDI’s instructions on installation and commissioning, and create the right conditions for the successful completion of other units.

The blow-in and system pressure test of blast furnace 1, and commissioning of its charging system, are soon to follow.


The CISDI team at ASSB’s blast furnace 1 site, pictured at the heated-up hot stoves