S&T: First strike for CISDI’s groundbreaking iLance

Date:2020/8/19 Source: CISDI

CISDI’s iLance hardware and software will be applied to Chongqing Steel’s 80-tonne basic oxygen furnace.

The first application of this core product will upgrade the BOF’s intelligent control level.

It will enhance stability during the melting process and at its end point, reduce production costs and improve product quality and operation safety.

iLance has newly-developed intelligent perception elements and applies big data analysis expertise. It conducts dynamic controls on the operation process.

It improves melting end-point’s stability, estimates the BOF’s operation and control plans, runs splashing prevention and melting monitors, and enables the oxygen lance to operate automatically.

Multiple iLance patents have been granted and CISDI’s tailored iLance solutions will soon be helping customers facing challenges such as severe splashing, endpoint control problems and manual operation deficiencies.



A screenshot of CISDI’s iLance


iLance’s image recognition feature shows the in-BOF melting status